Kickstart Start (Video Games)

     Video games are an important tool when it comes to communication, it is an interactive art piece that has time, skill, and intention put into it. By having the player able to interact with the message or idea that the video game is built around or promoting the player will care more about the characters and the world the characters reside in. Depending on the genre of the video game sometimes the message is clearer than others. Certain game genres lend themself better to having messages than others, a popular genre for games built around messages is role-playing games (RPGs). Though this is not always the case that every RPG has a message, if a game is based on another intellectual property the game is more about a story taking place with those characters and in that universe. Games that are more about intellectual properties than a specific message are games like Gotham Knights, Eragon, or The Witcher have a message or idea imbedded in the game but it is secondary to how the world is designed and used to motivate the characters and give them a goal to work towards or complete. Other RPGs that aren't based on a previous intellectual property have a much easier time promoting or having a clear message to base the game around and have the player address or grapple with. Games such as The Outer Worlds, Fallout, and Resident Evil have a much clearer message and force the player to actively address an extreme of this message that may be present in the real world but the player might be oblivious to for reasons such as privilege. 

    Another big draw to video games is the social aspect that they provide. This was seen in an extreme when everyone was isolating because of Covid-19. It allowed people to hang out and socialize without having to see each other in person. Even if people are living in other cities, states, or countries, the ability to connect with each other through shared interests and goals can cement friendships and bonds. 

    I want to learn more about video games, not only because it is the field I wish to work in in the future but because of my health issues and the fact that I am constantly busy with work, homework, or trying to manage my health; logging on to a video game tends to be easier and able to be kept up for longer.


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